Bone Broth Beef Adaptogenic Mushrooms 125g

Beef Bone Broth Hearty Mushroom is naturally nourishing with traditional Chinese adaptogenic mushrooms and Vitamin D to support immune system function, keeping you feeling good inside and out.

Botanika Blends – Organic Acai Powder 300g

The Botanika Organic Acai Powder is made from a premium organic Brazilian Acai Puree with an abundance of antioxidants, dietary fibre and healthy fats! With such good flavour and taste, they make a great addition to any recipe from baking to smoothies.

Botanika Blends – Organic Chia Seeds 300g

Include these Organic Chia Seeds are a great source of dietary fibre, antioxidants and protein. Their absorbent nature make them ideal for recipes like chia puddings, low carb baking and smoothies. Premium quality chia seeds!

Brookfarm – Brother Blends Entertainer -200g

Original price was: $16.95.Current price is: $11.50.200g

Hemp Foods Australia Organic Hemp Seeds (Hulled) 114g

hemp is considered one of the most nutritious plants in the world and the seeds contain all 20 amino acids, including the 9 essential ones that our bodies cannot produce on its own. Hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavour and are ready to use raw or in low heat cooking.  Because they are packed with protein, hemp seeds are ideal for people following a paleo diet or trying to reduce their carb intake.


  100% ACO Certified Organic Hemp seeds.

Directions for Use

A recommended daily serving size of the Hulled Hemp Seeds is 28gm or approximately 2.5 x metric 20ml tablespoons